V seriáli Jazyk blues si dnes predstavíme slovné spojenie „To Be Cold In Hand“, čo by sme mohli voľne preložiť ako „Mať chladno v rukách“ vyjadruje pocit či lepšie povedané stav, kedy ste úplne na mizine a takpovediac švorc. Nemáme ani len vyndru. Vo svojom Banker´s Blues sa Big Bill Broonzy posťažoval takto: „Say you taken all my money give it to your no-good man, Said I have had money but now I’m cold in hand“
Cisárovná blues Bessie Smith zas vo svojom “Cold In Hand Blues“ rozpráva príbeh o ťažko pracujúcom mužovi, ktorý minie a premrhá všetky zarobené peniaze, opustí ženu a zanechá jej len chlad v dlaniach. V „District Attorney Blues“ Bukka White opisuje prokurátora, ktorý je tak nemilosrdný, že zatvorí muža do väzenia a jeho ženu nechá na mizine: „He will take a woman´s man and leave her cold in hand.”
District Attorney Blues
Bukka White (Booker T. Washington White)
District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He will take a woman’s man and leave her cold in hand
District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He will take a woman’s man and leave her cold in hand
A District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He has caused a many mens to
Be in some distant land
District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He have caused so many women to be cold in hand
A District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
Ain’t no woman but he sho‘ will take a woman’s man
District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He will take a woman man and leave her cold in hand
A District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He can tell us a-where when he gonna
Take a woman’s man
District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
Well, he will take a woman’s man and leave her cold in hand
A District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He taken me from my woman
Cause her to love some other man
District Attorney sho‘ is hard on a man
He will take a woman’s man and leave her cold in hand
Ján Sklenár
Marec 2017